subscribe, button, click, opt-in form


An opt-in page is a webpage designed to collect email addresses from visitors in exchange for something valuable. This is often called “opting-in” to a company’s email list. The purpose of an opt-in page is to build a list of email addresses that can be used for marketing and communication purposes.

Businesses and organizations typically use opt-in pages as part of their email marketing strategy. They may be used to promote a product, service, or event or to provide subscribers with valuable content such as newsletters, updates, or special offers.

Several elements are commonly found on an opt-in page. These include:

  1. A headline: This is the main message or offer presented to the visitor. The headline should be attention-grabbing and convey the value of opting in.
  2. A form: This is where the visitor enters their email address. The form may also include additional fields for collecting other information, such as name, phone number, or location.
  3. A call-to-action (CTA): is a button or link the visitor clicks to submit their email address and opt-in to the list. The CTA should be prominently displayed and use persuasive language to encourage the visitor to take action.
  4. A privacy policy: This statement explains how the company will use the visitor’s personal information. Including a privacy policy to build trust and ensure compliance with privacy laws is essential.
  5. A confirmation message: This is a message that is displayed to the visitor after they have successfully opted-in. It may include a thank-you message, a confirmation of the email address, or instructions on accessing the promised content.

There are several best practices to follow when designing an opt-in page:

  1. Keep it simple: An opt-in page should be focused and easy to understand. Avoid clutter and unnecessary distractions that could distract from the main message or offer.
  2. Make the offer clear: The visitor should know exactly what they will receive in exchange for their email address. This could be a free report, access to a webinar, or a discount code.
  3. Use persuasive language: The headline and CTA should use language that motivates the visitor to take action. Words like “free,” “limited time,” and “exclusive” can be effective in driving conversions.
  4. Use social proof: Including testimonials or logos of well-known companies can help build trust and credibility.
  5. Use mobile-responsive design: With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it is essential to ensure that the opt-in page is optimized for mobile viewing.


An opt-in page is a valuable tool for businesses and organizations looking to build their email list and engage with their audience. By following best practices and designing an effective opt-in page, companies can effectively collect email addresses and establish relationships with their subscribers.

Example of a Good Opt-In Form

Simple headline and sub-headline, Just asking for first name and email address. That's all you need.